Evolution Safety has the online safety training courses you need to meet your compliance requirements and get to work fast.
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At SafetyNow we’ve used proven cognitive learning theories to create safety training that engages your employees. Our courses are built to leverage spacing effects, microlearning, competency-based quizzes, adaptive learning, reinforcing exercises, and retention modules to make sure that your safety message sinks in the first time and has an 8x higher retention rate after 30 days than conventional safety training.
You don’t have to do more training to build a safety culture and move towards a zero-based incident workplace, you need to do better safety training!
Our team of OHS/EHS lawyers, certified trainers and experts regularly review our 1,000s of courses, legislation, case law, and industry standards to make sure that our content is 100% compliant at all times. What’s more, every course is updated at least every 2 years to make sure that your training is always new, fresh, consistent, compliant and engaging.
Use coupon code “evolution” to save 20% on any purchase, including OSHA10 & OSHA 30.